LIVE TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES & DEEP STUDY COURSE INFORMATIONIf you are a member of the Live Test-Taking Strategies & Deep Study Course, please check your email for a detailed welcome packet.
If you are a member of this course, then you have access to:
5 Question Processing Webinars
A “Group Chat” Webinar
Two PDF Bonuses
If you are not a member of the Full Online Test-Taking Strategies Course, click here nowand learn more about it.
This is the first, critical lesson within the Full Online Test-Taking Strategies Course. It gives you the foundation of PBR’s test-taking strategy algorithms and provides you with some real, board-style questions to work through.
As a member of the Core Concepts in Test-Taking Strategies Webinar, you have access to:
The Core Concepts in Test-Taking Strategies Webinar
Two PDF Bonuses
If you are not a member of the Core Concepts in Test-Taking Strategies Webinar, click here nowand learn more about it.
The Crash Course on Test-Taking Strategies is like the Core Concepts in Test-Taking Strategies Webinar, but “on steroids.” It is typically only offered in September and/or October of each year and is not available during the rest of the year.